E-pension System
In order to provide faster service to the Pensioners and to reduce work burden for the staff, MEb started E-Pension System in August 2012. By using computer system and Smart Cards in pension payments, pensioners can now use e-pension cards to withdraw their pensions on any day or at any time.
Automated Teller Machine System (ATM)
ATM networking of Myanma Economic Bank is connected with the Myanmar Payment Union’s networking. Our ATM service was announced on 2nd April 2015. Firstly, we started (22)branches and the we are being extended our ATM service to (53) branches with (73) machines at the moment. We are arranging to extend ATM service to all district branches. We have already distributed our ATM card to (30,877)customers. Now we have already arranged certification of the Japan Credit Bureau (JCB) and Union Pay International (UPI) with MPU.
Online Phone Billing System
Myanma Economic Bank is cooperating with Myanmar Post and Telecommunication, collect the post paid phone bills (Yangon, Mandalay Regions) by using online. And then MEB present the phone bills in website on behalf of MPT. Our Online Phone Billing System was launched on 15 August 2011 and our customers can pay their phone bills at 7 MEB branches Naypyitaw, Yangon (1)(2)(5) Saving (3), Mandalay (1)(2). Moreover, the other agents which were assigned by Ygn(2) and Mdy(1), this Online Phone Billing System can get service at City Mart Shopping Center, Super One Shopping Mall, Victoria, United Living Mall, Asia Light and so on. Nowadays we are servicing the above of forty thousand phone numbers every month.
Mobile Payment System
MEB is providing Mobile Payment Service to public cooperation with Innwa Bank Limited, Myanmar Mobile Money give mobile services such as cash in, cash out, top up and pension payment by using Point of Sale(POS) at (281) MEB branches since (15.1.2015). MEB Ygn(2) is assigned as Super Agent and the other (280)branches are also assigned as Agents. Every Customer using MPT, MECTel and Mytel Sim Card can join our Mobile Service as KYC. Also our pensioners can easily draw their pension payments at MEB and other Mobile Agents.